Det är ett idogt jobb att driva ungdomen ut ur sin kropp.
De senaste två dagarna har jag varit sjuk och hostat sönder min hals, i morse kunde jag knappt prata. Så idag kom en kär vän hit och tog hand om mig med Coca Cola och cigaretter. Vi såg på Disney Channel och lyssnade på bra musik, sånt är alltid trevligt.
The last two days I've been sick and coughed more than I've ever done. Now my throat hurts big time, this morning I could hardly talk. So my dearest friend came over and took care of me with Coca Cola and cigarettes. We watched Disney Channel and listened to great music, such things is always nice.
The last two days I've been sick and coughed more than I've ever done. Now my throat hurts big time, this morning I could hardly talk. So my dearest friend came over and took care of me with Coca Cola and cigarettes. We watched Disney Channel and listened to great music, such things is always nice.