No one.
You deserve me as much as I deserve you to deserve me to deserve you, get it?
I'll make you happy.
But I assure you that I'll make your life more complicated and hurtful - since I'll make you love me so much it hurts.
Because that's how you make me feel, and I actually like it.
Just so you know.
You don't have a soul, you are a soul - you have a body.
No one must know.
Jag vet jag låter cynisk.
Idag tvingade mina föräldrar mig till psykologen för andra gången(okej, jag åkte dit själv, mest för att jag lovat dem det) - jag nekade en massa påståenden och frågor som egentligen stämde och jag skämdes lite. De saker jag nekade var ju bland de större faktorer som påverkar mitt mående negativt, och visst är det såna saker man ska berätta för en psykolog? Jag drar mig att berätta sånt som riskerar att förstoras eftersom det är allvarligare än jag vågar medge för mig själv, så istället för att erkänna problemen accepterar jag dem, antagligen av bekvämlighetsskäl. Jag är ju inte sjuk, det är jag ju inte, jag har kontroll.
Today my parents forced me to the psychologist for the second time (well, I took the bus over there by myself, mostly because I've promised them that) - I denied a lot of questions and statements that I shouldn't have, I lied - and felt a little bit ashamed. The things I lied about was among the major factors affecting my mental health negative, and isn't that the kind of stuff you're suppose to tell your psychologist? I avoid tell about things, because if I would I'll risk to get it magnified, since it obviosly is much more serious than I dare admit to myself. So instead of confess my problems I accept them, presumably by convenience reasons.
PS: My english sucks BIG TIME. DS.
Today my parents forced me to the psychologist for the second time (well, I took the bus over there by myself, mostly because I've promised them that) - I denied a lot of questions and statements that I shouldn't have, I lied - and felt a little bit ashamed. The things I lied about was among the major factors affecting my mental health negative, and isn't that the kind of stuff you're suppose to tell your psychologist? I avoid tell about things, because if I would I'll risk to get it magnified, since it obviosly is much more serious than I dare admit to myself. So instead of confess my problems I accept them, presumably by convenience reasons.
PS: My english sucks BIG TIME. DS.
Coffee and cigarettes
Jag håller upp handen för att gömma mitt liv